More Works by Tonino Gottarelli
Like a model / Come una modella
Paintings - 130x35 cm
The sky between the branches / Il cielo tra i rami
Paintings - 50x50 cm
Nude silence
Drawings - 33x24 cm
Trees in snow / Alberi sulla neve
Paintings - 35x33 cm
Forever / Per sempre
Drawings - 38x25 cm
The colors in the snow / I colori sulla neve
Paintings - 60x70 cm
Innocent look / Sguardo innocente
Drawings - 48x33 cm
A flood of houses / Una fiumana di case
Paintings - 35x50 cm
Elegance by the sea / Eleganza in riva al mare
Paintings - 25x35 cm
The smell of winter / Il profumo dell'inverno
Paintings - 20x30 cm
The whole thing / L'insieme
Paintings - 50x43 cm
To visit a tree / Per visitare un albero
Paintings - 80x60 cm
The last daffodils / Le ultime giunchiglie
Paintings - 50x40 cm
The colour of the air
Paintings - 35x50 cm
Looking in the distance / Guardar lontano
Paintings - 120x100 cm