Bird Sculptures For Sale

Discover bird sculpture for sale. Birds in all their shapes, colours and sounds, along with their ability to fly make them subjects which most bird sculptors will never grow tired of. You can buy bird sculpture right here at Rise Art, or for more inspiration you can explore our Bird Paintings, Bird Photography and Bird Prints.

If you’ve had a look through our collection of bird sculptures, you’ll have noticed we have sculptures ranging in materials from steel, wood and ceramics, in styles ranging from abstract to realistic. If you know what you’re after, use our search function to narrow down your search to exact type and style of sculpture you’re after.

Not sure where to start? Willie Nash is one of our most thought provoking sculptors. Born and raised in New York, Willie first pursued a career in fashion photography, and then moved to London in 2007 to concentrate on his art. His contribution to bird sculpture is the striking Finding the Omnipotent, a taxidermy bird with a handful of nails tied to its head. Operating in the realm of dadaism, his bird sculpture, like many of his other works plays with ideas that result in long discussions.

Another bird sculpture from our collection that we can’t take our eyes off of is Jean-Luc Lacroix’s Volaire Compared to Jatayu it may be small in size but its style does not allow it to be passed by unnoticed. Inspired by cogs and music, Jean-Luc tells us he moved towards abstraction in his sculpture to free himself from “the useless.” Jean-Luc studied Fine Arts in Paris, and continues to live near the french capital.

History of bird sculpture

Bird sculpture, originated in ancient Greece and took inspiration from Egyptian and Eastern monumental art. Over time it evolved into a unique Greek version of the art form, which has kept changing and evolving as bird sculptors find new ways of capturing birds in all their rich tapestries.

Throughout history sculptors have been experimenting with different types of materials. The oldest greek sculptures date back to the 7th century BCE and were made of limestone. Since then historians and archaeologists have discovered sculptures made of clay, ivory, bronze, stone and marble, to name a few.

The world’s largest bird sculpture can be seen in Jatayu nature park in India. It took artists ten years to compete and measures in at 200 feet long, 150 feet wide and 70 feet tall. A homage to women’s safety and honour, the bird is a symbolic figure in the Hindu epic Ramayana. It’s also said that the sculpture symbolises “a bygone era when humans, animals and other living forms cared for each other and fellow beings lived peacefully on this earth.”

Today, sculpture is an art form that shows no signs of slowing down. The practice has spread to all the corners of the world and we consider ourselves very lucky to be able to showcase some of the most talented bird sculptors practicing today.

Find out more in our Guide To Sculpture.

Height5 - 90 cm
Width5 - 90 cm
Price200 - 17,000
  • Portrait
  • Landscape
Select Mediums
  • 1 selected
  • Sculpture
  • Paintings
  • Paintings > Acrylic
  • Paintings > Oil
  • Paintings > Watercolour
  • Paintings > Mixed Media
  • Paintings > Ink
  • Prints
  • Prints > Screenprint
  • Prints > Digital
  • Prints > Etching
  • Prints > Lino
  • Prints > Woodcut
  • Drawings
  • Drawings > Pencil
  • Drawings > Ink
  • Photography
  • Photography > Black & White
  • Photography > Colour
  • Photography > Digital
  • Photography > Mixed media
  • Collage
  • Collage > Mixed Media
  • Collage > Paper
Select Styles
  • 0 selected
  • Abstract
  • Figurative
  • Expressionistic
  • Abstract Expressionism
  • Art deco
  • Surrealist
Animals > Birds
Select Subjects
Select countries
  • 0 selected
  • France
  • Spain
  • United Kingdom
Select Colors
  • 0 selected
  • White
  • Grey
  • Black
  • Maroon Neutral
  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Purple
All Art
showing 25 pieces
Rubicon by Halima Cassell
Sculpture - 58x15 cm
Aigrette by Bernard Rives
Sculpture - 71x86 cm
Avec Maman by Gaël Rouxeville
Avec Maman
Sculpture - 32x48 cm
AIGRETTE  by Bernard Rives
Sculpture - 71x86 cm
Fais comme l'oiseau by Gaël Rouxeville
Fais comme l'oiseau
Sculpture - 27x33 cm
La mesange by Norberto Moretti
La mesange
Sculpture - 12x8 cm
Free as a bird by Achezegag
Free as a bird
Sculpture - 23x45 cm
Amour de colombe by Gaël Rouxeville
Amour de colombe
Sculpture - 10x12 cm
Figure - totem by Lionel Le Jeune
Figure - totem
Sculpture - 26x9 cm
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Sculpture - 64x48 cm
Colombe blanche
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Sculpture - 19x16 cm
Sculpture - 85x18 cm
Sculpture - 32x23 cm
Sculpture - 25x20 cm
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