Artists To Watch

Artists To Watch

Phin Jennings

Curated by Phin Jennings

Our Artists to Watch collection showcases leading and emerging artists on the platform. From award-winning names to recent graduates, the collection keeps you up-to-date with the artists you should have your eyes on. Want to see all the artists on Rise Art? Discover our full roster here.

Artists on Rise Art

Our curatorial team are always on the lookout for exciting and original artists. Whether new on the scene or established in the art world, we have always wanted to shine a light on the artists we believe in. A selection of artists featured in the collection have exhibited with us, from Iain Andrews and Maddie Yuille, who both joined the platform off the back of the Emergence group show, to Amy Dury and Fred Ingrams, who have been on Rise Art for a longer period of time, and exhibited with us respectively.

Looking to invest in an emerging artist? Here are 10 artists highlighted by our Lead Curator.

    All Art
    showing 94 pieces
    Savage Blues
    Paintings - 60x45 cmRent for $165 /mo
    FireFlies In Amazonia At Night
    Paintings - 122x152 cmRent for $415 /mo
    Sans titre
    Paintings - 40x40 cm
    Paintings - 70x50 cm
    L'été bleu
    Paintings - 102x76 cm
    Purple Dream
    Paintings - 216x200 cm
    Sans titre
    Paintings - 154x60 cm
    Pictures of Matchstick Men
    Photography - 125x85 cmRent for $95 /mo
    How dare you
    Prints - 70x50 cm
    Terracotta Tan
    Photography - 10x15 cm
    A Lonely Gardian
    Paintings - 92x92 cm
    Paintings - 102x76 cm
    Paintings - 153x122 cmRent for $205 /mo
    Photography - 80x160 cm
    Landscape II
    Paintings - 32x32 cm
    Viva La Vulva
    Paintings - 90x110 cm
    Laughing (study)
    Paintings - 41x31 cm
    Paintings - 130x98 cm
    Nous les Passant-e-s
    Sculpture - 27x29 cm
    Paintings - 80x55 cm
    La jeune fille
    Photography - 50x70 cm
    Regional Settings
    US (USD)
    United States
    Metric (cm, kg)