6 Ways to Stage Your Entrance With Art
6 Ways to Stage Your Entrance With Art

Art 101

6 Ways to Stage Your Entrance With Art

The first instalment of our 'At Home With Rise Art Series' focuses on the entrance. First impressions are key so impress your guests and set the character of your home by styling your hallway with art.

By Rise Art
We have all heard the old adage that first impressions are the most important, and that is probably no truer than the entrance hallway to the rest of your home. It can set the ambiance in an instant, and nothing can do that with more panache than cool works of art that reflect the personality of your household. Some homes have large, wide elegant halls while some have long, graceful passages, and in many contemporary builds the entrance is part of an expansive open plan vista. Whatever the style, art is the one thing that can make your entranceway sparkle with character and individuality, and elevate it to its true status as the eye to the rest of your home. Here are 6 examples of how best to stage your entrance with art.

1 Hold The Eye

A large, brightly coloured piece of work draws you into the house and cleverly lengthens the space. Pick a strong, bold artwork that will grasp attention, hold the eye and leave everyone in awe of your entrance.   Get The Look

Left: Road 1 by Heloise Delegue

Right: The Singing Tree by Alison Johnson


2 A Salon Hang

A curated salon hang in a corridor entrance brings interest and life to what could otherwise be considered a mundane space. When putting together a salon hang it’s a good idea to lay out the works of art on the floor and plan where everything will go. Start with the biggest piece first, then work around it. This will make the eye travel in a circular motion rather than getting stuck on one image. It’s also a great way to fit all those works that you just can’t help buying into your home in a stylish, clever way.

Expert interior designer Talia Cobold says,

“These sometimes neglected transitory spaces offer the homeowner an opportunity to showcase a fantastic art collection. A long and seemingly gloomy corridor is the perfect space for starting an eclectic picture wall. The impact draws from both the volume of art work, as well as the pieces and their frames, therefore allowing for a variety of styles, sizes and mediums to be collated together.”


Get The Look

Left: Work place by Mat Cahill

Right: The Dog Who Wanted to be a Leopard by Carl Moore


3 Dramatic Effect

Think about a bright, statement work bursting out against a dark interior colour palette. Something that will successfully elaborate the drama of the space. When you want to make a statement it’s important that the work is large, dynamic and beautifully executed in order to justify your intention.   Get The Look

Left: Migration by Iidu Tikkanen

Right: Hana by John Lijo Bluefish


4 Definition and Depth

In a small hallway with divided space, placing medium or large sized contrasting artworks clearly defines the area adding depth and length, concentrating the eye away from a cramped stairway. Don’t be afraid to fill small interiors with bigger works, as using the entire space will help create the illusion of expanse.


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Music in my heart

Paresh Nrshinga


5 Open Plan


A lot of newly designed homes are open plan with no specific entrance hallway as such, and the door opens directly into the house. This is when art can clearly designate and divide space without walls. Compelling works of art are important in interiors like this. A work of art that dominates the space can cleverly mark the living area from the entrance, and lead you into the house.  

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Prunus Serrulata

Robert Pereira Hind

Ce matin, j'ai encore rêvé de toi

Nadege Druzkowski


6 Classic Elegance

A lot of people are intimidated to decorate grand or classic architecture with contemporary art. But in fact the high ceilings and exposed original wooden floors, the cornices and large long windows lend beautifully to contemporary art. These homes are perfect for large, bold works that challenge and bring the classic interior bang up to date, just as much as some subtle, minimalist refinement. A large work with a strong theme or colour successfully competes with the elegant design elements of the interior, and can hold its own. Arranging the shapes, space and size of the artworks is important for an effective visual hierarchy. Get The Look

"Travelling Trees"

Fernando Velazquez


The Entranceway Edit

Browse our curated collection of artworks ideal for the entrance of your home! Impress your guests and make a statement with these bold and bright artworks!




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