Rise Art Roundup
Rise Art Roundup

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Rise Art Roundup

Happy birthday Frida Kahlo! Read about Matt Crump and Cody Choi at the Brixton Urban Art Fair and catch up on what's new this week.

By Rise Art | 08 Jul 2016

Trending This Week

Happy Birthday Frida Kahlo


Hannah Adamaszek and Kristin Gaudio-Endsley

"Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?" - Frida Kahlo

So the incredible Frida Kahlo would have celebrated her 109th birthday on Wednesday. Her candid self-portraits are as iconic as ever, and she is well and truly living on through her art. There’s perhaps no tribute more appropriate than this fierce collaborative portrait from talented urban art dream team: Hannah Adamaszek and Kristin Gaudio-Endsley. (They've both been busy adding plenty of brand new works to Rise Art so go and take a peek...)


Jessye B Joins Rise Art

Jessye B with her 50s pin-up collection

So we were pretty excited this week to announce that writer, art historian and curator Jessye Bloomfield is joining our editorial team as the Rise Art resident Art Speak 101 blogger. Between a manic schedule of running workshops, producing videos, interviewing artists and marketing for just about everyone from the Tate to interiors company Devas Designs and the BFI, we managed to pin her down and persuade her to start writing some features for Rise Art - watch this space! In the meantime, get to know a bit more about this ambitious 24 year old in our interview, and check out some of her top Rise Art picks.


Rise Art NEWS

Cecilia Danell @ The Molesworth Gallery, Dublin

Journey to the Centre

Cecilia Danell

Talented emerging artist and one of Rise Art’s newest painters Cecilia Danell is exhibiting some of her intriguing sculptural works in a group show in Dublin, opening today. We wouldn't mind a trip to Temple Bar to enjoy some great art (and maybe a Guiness or two). We love it when an artist surprises us with their practice, these sculptures are a world away from the realistic oil paintings of vacant landscapes on her Rise Art profile - check them out.


Matt Crump & Cody Choi @ The Brixton Urban Art Fair

The First Stage of Cutting and Whats Inside Again

Matt Crump

This weekend it’s all about Brixton, as the annual Urban Art Fair begins. It's the one weekend a year that London gets its very own East Side Gallery... in the South. Out and about this weekend? Head to Josephine Avenue and check out some awesome contemporary artworks from illustrator & printmaker Matt Crump (skulls have never looked so pretty) and choreographer turned photographer Cody Choi. We'll be there soaking up the art, and hopefully some sunshine too!

The 3rd Day #5

Cody Choi


New This Week

Five Pair

Richard Storey

We're pretty excited about Richard Storey's figurative artworks. Using wandering lines and electric colours he puts a contemporary twise on the traditional nude. His original ink drawings are incredibly affordable for their size. Is it pay day weekend yet...?





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