Soho Home x Rise ArtRecreate the feel of Soho Home studios with our curated collections
Environmental Photography
Curated by Cecile Martet
Discover contemporary environmental photography for sale online. Browse the collection and explore mixed media, colour and black and white photography for sale.
About Environmental Photography
Photography has long been a means of documenting the effects climate change have on the environment. Since the invention of photography at the beginning of the 19th century, photographers have captured the changing appearance of the natural world. Alerting us to the ongoing shifts in the landscape, the relationship between humans and nature, and global warming, photographers have archived the effects that continue to impact the world.
Featured Photographers
Valentina Schulte explore the natural world with her photography. She often zooms out on scenes of landscapes, and in doing examines humanity’s relationship with the land they inhabit. With a focus on both time and space, Valentina captures fleeting moments of stillness and quiet. Kimberly Poppe’s photographs capture the colour, texture, light and feelings of a place. Her style often has an abstract quality to it, in which Kimberly draws focus to the extraordinary that can be found in the ordinary. With a balanced and geometric composition, Kimberly’s photographs capture the essence of nature and the beauty to be found in the everyday.
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