Our greatest paintings


Curated by Cecile Martet

Our Best in Painting collection was curated to bring together a selection of our most sought-after paintings on the platform. Hundreds of paintings are new on Rise Art every month. Each one has been selected and approved by our curators, and the Best in Paintings collection showcases a range of our team’s favourites from leading contemporary painters.

Exhibiting Artists

Hand-picked by our curatorial team, the collection features paintings from artists that have exhibited in all of our London exhibitions. Our first exhibition, Leap of Faith included works from Joe Hesketh and Sue Kennington, as well as from Amy Dury who also exhibited a body of work in our two-person show, Amy Dury & Philip Maltman. The Best in Paintings collection also featured artworks by artists such as Day Bowman and Niki Hare, who both had paintings in our Satellites Exhibiton, and new artists Iain Andrews and Robbie Bushe, who joined the platform after exhibiting in our Emergence Exhibition.

Our Selection on Paintings on Offer

The selection of paintings for sale on the platform is extensive and growing day by day. Ranging from large to small, from abstract to figurative and from oils to watercolour, we offer original paintings from some of the world’s leading artists.

Discover more of our curator’s favourite artworks on the platform in our Best in Prints, Best in Photography, Best in Drawing and Best in Sculpture collections. Or you can find out more about paintings in our guide to paintings.

    All Art
    showing 115 pieces
    Paintings - 60x60 cm
    Vanity Fair 12-22
    Paintings - 55x46 cm
    Service continu
    Paintings - 50x40 cm
    Paintings - 120x100 cm
    Paintings - 25x65 cm
    One's field
    Paintings - 30x25 cm
    Paintings - 100x70 cm
    Bord d'eau
    Paintings - 100x260 cm
    Paintings - 20x20 cm
    Paintings - 111x101 cm
    Paintings - 150x95 cm
    Mtp-vibration Fluonéon 3
    Paintings - 80x80 cm
    Paintings - 140x140 cm
    Les glaives #2
    Paintings - 120x60 cm
    Lisbon 2
    Paintings - 46x38 cm
    Brillo 99 cents
    Paintings - 120x100 cm
    Ash Coppice
    Paintings - 36x28 cmRent for $75 /mo
    Chaos Physionomique
    Paintings - 61x50 cm
    A day in Sousse
    Paintings - 100x120 cm
    Paintings - 73x54 cm
    Paintings - 200x160 cm
    Garde Rapprochée
    Paintings - 130x80 cm
    NL Alien No. 1
    Paintings - 51x77 cmRent for $240 /mo
    Regional Settings
    US (USD)
    United States
    Metric (cm, kg)