These are The Pragmatist trait scores, compared to others
- 1%Arousing
- 1%Minimalist
- 3%Figurative
- 1%Shocking
Pragmatists are down to earth. They're doers rather than thinkers. They approach decisions with facts and figures, rather than abstract notions.
A Pragmatist isn't much of a thrill seeker - they tend to be grounded and rational. Pragmatists are more likely to study something straight down the line like Engineering, rather than something more lateral like Philosophy.
Pragmatists aren't obsessive about art, but they know what they like when they see it.
A Pragmatist probably doesn't go to exhibitions very often, but they’d make the effort to see a show if the art was definitely up their alley.
Pragmatists tend to avoid contemporary and conceptual art. And minimalist art just doesn’t do it for them. They’re more likely to enjoy representational art, like landscapes and portraits.
A Pragmatist's Spotify playlist will generally be ambient and easy-going. Think Coldpay.