She feels alive

Paintings53.5 x 39.5 cm?
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More Works by Milos Hronec
Milos Hronec
Miloš Hronec focuses mainly on painting, but also on digital drawing and collage.

He comes from Bratislava and this environment has gradually formed him artistically.
Author works with oil painting, acrylic, spray and drawing.
His formal epression is based on street art, graffiti, primitive art, expressionism and collage.

“New series of paintings reflects my feelings, experiences and thought processes that I was currently working on during the creation.
In my work, I capture mainly nightlife, uncertainty, but also a certain form of hope and an effort to survive. All this in the flow of time, in which everything is fleeting and what is true now, may not be valid for another moment.

My approach to form corresponds to the content: the paintings are intuitive, improvised and often repainted.
Gesture, expressive to primitive painting with acrylic and spray is then replaced by oil painting, which, on the contrary, requires longer preparation and implementation.
Chaos will replace peace, acceleration will slow down again.

My goal is to enjoy my work. I want to capture some moment and before it completely fades.”

After closing the cycle of paintings, I will return to the paintings with a short time lag and analyze what I experienced in the given period with the help of free authorial texts.

The author’s works are part of private collections in the US, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Israel and many European countries.
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