Discover our collection of conceptual painting for sale in our online art gallery showcasing some of the best contemporary conceptual painters working today. Start by exploring our popular subject matters of landscapes, cityscapes or fantasy.
Within our collection we have numerous conceptual painters. Kate Lowe uses her dream like compositions and titles to express her ideas.
Conceptual art emerged across Europe, North America and South America between the late 1960s and 1970s. The term was first written about by Sol LeWitt in 1967: "In conceptual art the idea or concept is the most important aspect of the work."
As the idea behind the work is more important than the finished object there was no style or medium which defined this movement.
Artists used whatever tools they thought best for conveying their concept. This ranged from performance art, body art, and land art to using found objects.
Although works were often filmed or photographed, artists attempted to bypass the commercial art world and critique the formal gallery environment by creating works that could not be bought, sold and exhibited.
This critique is evident in Bruce Mclean’s performance Pose Work for Plinths (1971), where he mocked the pompous nature of classical plinth sculptures by replacing them with his own body.