The wilful pursuit of ignorance

Paintings122.0 x 183.0 cm?
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Artwork physical size measured as height by width by depth. Artwork purchased with a frame will usually be 5cm (2.5in) longer in each dimension.

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More Works by Larissa Eremeeva
Larissa Eremeeva
"Ideas made emotion, expressed by texture and rhythm"

Larissa Eremeeva is a Dutch artist who has moved around in her life.  Every country in which she lived has inspired her art and left enduring influences in here work. She studied art in Belgium.  After living and working in the Netherlands and the United States, her home is now beautiful Abruzzo in Italy.

Her works have been exhibited extensively in these 4 countries and sold to collectors in North America, Europe, Australia and China, as well as being featured by the Jealous Curator and other art influencers.

Larissa is driven by feelings of transience and impermanence ... mortality, eternity ... generational threads that may bind or may break ... how memories may be recalled and how memories may be erased. In her latest works, she draws on themes of silence, of poetry (especially that of Pessoa and Pasternak) and of "just living a life".

Her feelings feed into a process which she claims “tattoos pictures inside my head”. The result is an abstract expressionist style of painting which she calls "evocative abstract". While the resulting work can be viewed as purely abstract, her paintings are intended to evoke objects, feelings and memories for the viewer.

Whether these feelings and memories relate to those felt by the artist herself, is not important. What is important is that people who see her art may be stimulated to delve further and explore their own perceptions of the world and their own emotions.
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