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Paintings54.0 x 81.0 cm?
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More Works by Charlie Bobo
Charlie Bobo
Charlie Bobo began his professional career in the 80s in the illustration sector. At the same time, it produces a large number of canvases in the form of still lifes, bowls and pigments. In 1990 he taught the illustration, the trompe-l'oeil and decorative painting for the MJM Art School Paris and became manager of the Decorative Painting Workshop of the workshops of the City of Paris between 1997 and 2003. He was the winner of the Chardin Prize in 1999 during a collective exhibition at the National School of Fine Arts in Paris.
"Paint in the manner of the ancients using brushes and color with water or oil, what could be more natural for centuries. A net tilting of this period is with the arrival of digital, a step Now totally anchored in our lives with this immense contribution that we know but also with the risk of making non -virtual arts obsolete. I think today that, as long as the hand and the mind caress, free, paper, The earth, the canvas or the graphic palette, the creation roads will remain open.
Artistic vitality wants us to ventinarily venture, in particular on unknown lands at the risk of not being easily labeled. I tend to stack the desires and experiences, some inspired by others and I no longer hesitate to approach new themes. Very recently I started a series of canvases that I call for the moment: "Liquid horizons". These reflections of water make me rediscover the gestures as well as the work of the "net" previously worked in my pigment paintings as well as in my series "Paris polychrome". "
Charlie Bobo, extract from the special issue of the "Practice of the Arts" journal 2018
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