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Paintings60.0 x 120.0 cm?
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More Works by Franck Le Boulicaut
Franck Le Boulicaut
Since 2007, Franck Le Boulicaut, multidisciplinary artist, returns to his old love: painting. This creative in love with light, trained with Eric Bari, Marc Folly and Jean-Claude Chaillou, tries to approach the universe of his many models in his own way: Cézanne, Caravage, Sargent, Freud…
A game of balance between composition and freedom of gesture
Painted Alla Prima, his paintings, today figurative, testify to a rigor in the balance of compositions - masses, placements, colors - and a taste displayed for a certain freedom in the touch.
"Both in the choice of the subject and in that of its staging, I try above all to express an emotion. Whether purely visual by the game of values, colors, framing or that it is evocative Through a installation, a look ... I particularly take care of the composition of the painting upstream: lines of force, proportions, values, format ... ".
Forget everything to succeed in painting
Influenced by certain works by Betty Edwards (cf. his work "Draw with the right brain"), Franck Le Boulicaut has painted since 2013 his paintings upside down. Particularly effective for portraits, this method makes it possible to overcome any subjectivity induced by what is "knowing" of the subject by refocusing the attention of the painter to the only directions, values ​​and colors.
His original technique has been the subject of an article in issue 128 of the review "Practice of the Arts" (May/June 2016).
Katherine Mellor

The insider Katherine Mellor says:

Ich bin ein großer Fan von Hushs Überlagerungstechniken. Durch die Überlagerung von Aerosolfarben, Siebdrucken, Farben und anderen kontrastierenden Elementen schafft er unerwartete, reich verzierte und dennoch raffinierte Kunstwerke. Er sprengt die traditionellen Vorstellungen von europäischen und asiatischen Porträts und schafft Werke, die gleichzeitig feminin, schmuddelig und glamourös sind.

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