
Paintings30.0 x 30.0 cm?
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More Works by Cécile Pujol
Cécile Pujol
As a child, Cécile Pujol spends her time drawing. After a bac of applied arts, she passed a BTS fashion stylist in Paris, then obtained a textile design diploma in England, being very attracted to patterns and color. The work of the Austrian painter Egon Schiele and her expressionist trait mark her forever.
After being a graphic designer in a style office, she quickly leaves the fashion world for that of the show, more creative for her taste, and becomes intermittent. She discovers the work of the costume at the Opera Bastille, and perceives the scene as a real moving painting. In 2004 she left to live in Marseille to produce more personal work and began to paint.
"The spontaneous gesture counts a lot and I feel free from any technical constraint. I use acrylic for its speed of drying, which allows you to integrate texts that I take off by leaving their traces randomly. The faded, patinated fabrics, rubbed on the bodies of the dancers and develops in me the idea that artistic creation is nourishing when it is linked to the instability of things. I fill my faces with traces, grooves .... Like a journey. Or great flat, like a sudden space. It is my vision of nature with all that it has contrasts, calm and agitation, immobility and movement, bright colors and intense gray. "
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