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Paintings30.0 x 30.0 cm?
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More Works by Ho My An
Ho My An
Ho my an’s work breathes humanity and sweetness. Her women are looks, lights and curves, sensuality and plural feminities. She knows how to melt into a face the illusion of a present.
Drawing as an expression of a language
Being guided by his five senses, Ho my an will only retain most of his studies in plastic arts and art history to regain freedom and authenticity in his approach to the living model.
Beyond the speeches, a naked or dressed silhouette expresses the emotional relationship which it maintains with its physical body, the breathing of the earth and the culture which carry it. The artist seeks to capture this body language and give an interpretation through drawing.
Travel as a common thread
The journey is the source of the work of Ho My An. The artist likes to observe, understand those around him. Its sketches reinterpreted in watercolor and its moving pigments tell cultures, the movement of bodies and its love of humans.
It takes the time of observation, the feeling of space, people, lights, sounds, breathing and sensuality of the place. Far from the simplifying instantaneity, she is looking for a certain complexity of slowness. It expresses it according to various but never common techniques. Whether it is varnished watercolor or washed down oil.
She seeks to offer the spectator the opportunity for a motionless trip, a support for dreams, meditation, and, above all, pleasure.
Find Ho my An interview on Kazoart's blog
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