
Paintings116.0 x 89.0 cm?
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More Works by Lucie Lith
Lucie Lith
Inspired by the colors of pop art and urban art, Lucie Lith is a French pochroicist painter who likes to tell stories. With a quickly identifiable style, his creations combine images and words.
From writing to painting
Self -taught artist, she has created from an early age. Poet and novelist, she first developed her sensitivity through writing. She then experienced the collage before devoting herself to acrylic paint, then to aerosol and stencil.
His works sometimes mix the techniques but they especially illustrate the marriage of writing and painting. Words are tangled and get rid of excess to compose the characters, the letters fly away in the decor and the colors seem to fit into each other.
Her creations are made of a dozen layers of stencils which she destroys after use. Because each story is unique according to her.
Challenge the other thanks to emotion
Each of Lucie Lith's works is a message and has the ambition to call on our experience, the experiences that shape our beings and define who we are. For the artist, there is only the emotion that counts and the quest for an ideal is omnipresent.
Represented by several galleries in France, Lucie Lith regularly exhibits solo or in a group and her works are sold around the world.
To read :
Lucie Lith represented by Kazoart at Art Shopping Paris 2021
Lucie lith interview by Kazoart
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