
Paintings130.0 x 97.0 cm?
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More Works by Sophie Garapon
Sophie Garapon
Sophie Garapon resides in Bordeaux, and has been formed in painting and nude workshops for thirty years. At the beginning, it was a question of transcribing an impression of landscape approaching the figuration, on the pattern, in nature, taste silence, light and colors, with pastels, but already it floated like a small note of 'strangeness or mystery. Féérie, the dream, have insinuated in his painting and figures invited themselves, perhaps it is a emergence of questions about the solitude of man, his finitude, and pell-mell, his entanglement to nature , the anxiety of the meaning of life ...
In a veranda workshop open on the sky and light, the works emerge, located between real and imaginary on the fabrics, wooden panels and paper, oil paint and mixed techniques. We can retain a certain influence of symbolism of which Odilon Redon, painter of Bordeaux origin.
This painting is trying to treat from a flat surface an opening towards other temporal and spatial dimensions where nature mixes with humans. As in mythology that tells fabulous stories between characters and nature. The imagination mixes with reality. This work evokes the future of man and the transmutation of man in kind in the natural cycle of life and death, which brings back to questions about the meaning of life, to fundamental questions about existence and to the possible transcendence of thought and the state of being.
His works have been exhibited since 2010 regularly in premises belonging to town halls and in merchants. She obtained the Grand Prix of the City of Eysines (Gironde) in 2012 and the price of the municipality of Coutras (Gironde) in 2015 which acquired one of its fabrics entitled Rust and Water.
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