Neo flash

Paintings73.0 x 66.0 cm?
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More Works by Tay-M
Born in 1987, Tay-M is a painter, graphic designer, illustrator and in love with color. From an early age, shapes and colors are the transversal elements of the development of its artistic sense. They also fueled an inherent creativity present until today.
Academic training in the industry sector, it is as "designer and industrial designer" that he is being started for his career. A particular fiber for "industrial quality" will lead him to different missions for large international industrial groups.
Installed in Lille in the North of France since 2015, it is at the workshops of the Palais des Beaux Arts that he perfects his weapons, particularly in art history and drawing and painting techniques. Elusive artist, apart from his activity as a graphic designer, he evolves in different styles, post-pictural abstraction, abstract expressionism or even synchronism.
Its inspirations are born in the modern matter and social aspect. Its reference is Jacques Villeglé, Raymond Hains, Matisse and more recently Satone, Lek and Sowat or Boris Telgen.
"I listen to our world. I observe our environment, I find in life - movement, our society and everything that composes it - most of my inspiration. Being in tune with our time is essential Because it is a new angle that I want to bring to the eyes of others, a unique and personal interpretation. But above all alive, which is made possible through an approach to the abstract and a work of colors. " -Tay-M
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