Portrait d'adolescence 2018

Paintings50.0 x 40.0 cm?
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More Works by Evelyn Kuwertz
Evelyn Kuwertz
Evelyn Kuwertz was born in Austria in Bad Aussee. She lives and works between Berlin and the South West of France. His approach brings together 2 main themes: the city as an urban reality and the image of man.
The images of the city become a primordial subject which it transforms into the metaphors of time and the ephemeral. For almost twenty years, in the 1980s and 1990s, she produced a series of canvases in the city of Berlin-West then in the midst of reconstruction. True testimonies of his time, his works illustrate the major projects of these two decades: Place Potsdamer (1992-1995), the reconstruction of the Esplanade, the Hotel Adlon, the Reichstag, the Berlin Mitte or the Neues Museum ( 1997-1999).
From the 2000s, his interest was also on other European cities, starting with Toulouse and then continuing with Paris, Barcelona and Rome. These canvases are not only representative: she chooses to show her own perception of the places visited and gives a subjective point of view of her first impressions as a painter. Reality and imaginary interpenetrate.
At the same time, Evelyn Kuwertz devotes part of her research to the movements of human figures. She works with dancers during the rehearsals of the Ballet du sacre du printemps at the Toulouse opera and "Caravaggio" of the Berlin Staatsballett. The movements of the dancers blend with the movements of the brushes on the canvas.
As early as 1985, she undertook a series of "caught on the spot": characters drawn by a sketch of clothing that suggested a contemporary world. A series of paintings that represent individuals moving in an urban field. These sequences of nested movements fill the canvas and contrast with superimposed backgrounds and fragments of urban architectures often in abyss. The composition and structure remain transparent and light while keeping a multitude of details.
The works of Evelyn Kuwertz are exhibited in Germany (Berlin, Hamburg, Bonn), England (London) and France (Toulouse, Tarbes, Montauban, Cahor, Albi). His paintings are present in many private and public collections.
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