Composition double pose

Paintings60.0 x 60.0 cm?
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More Works by Géraldine Morales
Géraldine Morales
Originally from Alsace and currently installed near Paris, Géraldine Morales was not gone in life to become a painter. Her doctorate of chemistry in her pocket, she could have started a promising career as a researcher, but it was without a prospect of employment because of frequent moves, that she turned to painting.
Self -taught, she started with watercolor, and then went to pastel before discovering more sensual oil painting: a real crush. By her initial training, she combines in each creation science and feelings.
His painting is perpetual evolution as well as the choice of his themes (still life, landscape, animals, ...). It essentially nourishes its inspiration with nature. She paints in her workshop or outdoors mainly on the motif in "Alla Prima" and favors square formats.
Géraldine Morales begins her paintings by working the masses with large keys requiring ample and fair gestures. She ends up specifying some details to bring back the essentials. Above all, she searches for light in her paintings by preparing her palette well, and working on the balance of her values ​​and contrasts.
Throughout his work, Géraldine Morales strives not to dirty her tones using different brushes for each value. She uses flat coloring and melts so that her harmony and sensitivity paintings emerge. She does not seek hyperrealism but rather a dynamic in her painting so that she is spontaneous and alive. His art is figurative, marked by the desire to show everything he has beautiful and resting in this world.
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