Série "Les personnages", arrêt de bus ligne E

Paintings150.0 x 100.0 cm?
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Originally from the south of France, Christian Bernard alias Narbero was born in 1950, in a modest family, far from the world of art. From the age of 5 he was attracted to images and drawing. Completely self -taught and far from galleries and museums, he reads magazines and few art magazines of the time very early, admiring and trying to understand artists such as Picasso, Magritte, Juan Gris, Chardin, Dali, Kandinsky and many others. It is thanks to this diversity and eclecticism that his passion for art develops. It was not until the age of 15, during a Picasso exhibition, that he has his first artistic shock, the beginning of a life entirely devoted to art. For almost 50 years his work evolves, following a path winding between different styles, reflecting his moods, his joys, his frustrations, his anger and his feelings. Throughout his artistic life, he is animated by the same passion for material, colors, shadows and lights. In 1998, he moved to Miami and widened his artistic field to sculpture; This is how "sentries" and "dolores" are born. Since January 1, 2021, Narbero has lived and worked in the south of France. His work is present in several galleries and followed by many private collectors in the United States and in Europe.
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