Marilyn Monroe, pop girl

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Patrick Cornée

Whether in sculpture or painting, Patrick Cornée revisits pop art by relying on Andy Warhol as a major figure. It multiplies techniques and formats to develop its own style, its own very colorful version touch.
Rigid education far from the fine arts
Born in 1962 in Toulouse, Patrick Cornée, painter, lives and works in Mougins. At the age of 16, pushed into this path by a military father, Patrick Cornea entered the French Navy. After six years of navigation around the world, his desire to paint resurfaces and stands out as evidence. He then enrolled in the Fine Arts in Toulon and took lessons in the workshop of a painter. He then developed his own style there and begins to work with national and international galleries.
Patrick Cornée's work has earned him numerous exhibitions in France, Mougins or Saint-Tropez, but also abroad, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Russia, Sweden and England.
Pop art of the 60s as a source of inspiration
Inspired by artists such as Andy Warhol, Patrick Cornée is now recognized for his pop and colorful aesthetics. Through his compositions, the artist wishes to transmit a feeling of joy, cheerfulness and carelessness, and share his love of life. He likes to explore new supports, formats and techniques, and handles oil as well as acrylic, aerosol bomb, knife, brush, engraving or collage.

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