More Works by Victoria Stagni
La rêveuse
Paintings - 81x100 cm
Neige incandescente
Paintings - 73x100 cm
The jacket
Paintings - 91x61 cm
Paintings - 90x90 cm
La vie en rose
Paintings - 73x60 cm
Paintings - 120x120 cm
Le point d'eau
Paintings - 38x55 cm
Non comestible
Paintings - 91x73 cm
Le stratège
Paintings - 81x66 cm
The young woman with amaryllis
Paintings - 81x100 cm
Le rêve de Madeleine
Paintings - 73x91 cm
Take shelter 2
Paintings - 61x90 cm
Sanctuaires 3
Paintings - 81x100 cm
Comme un oiseau sur la branche
Paintings - 81x100 cm
The ceremony
Paintings - 61x76 cm