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More Works by Tania Rutland
Tania Rutland
Tania was Born in 1967, London. She now lives Brighton, where she moved to after graduating from the Royal College of Art. She has had her studio there for over twenty years.

Rutland has exhibited her work in numerous galleries. She has exhibited extensively both in the UK and internationally. She has also completed many commissions for both commercial projects and private collections.

She specialises in semi abstract landscapes of Sussex and the beautiful South Downs countryside. Her preferred mediums are oil painting, etching and pencil/graphite on paper.

Her fascination with the way in which generations of human activity has, down the years, shaped the landscape of the countryside of both East Sussex and West Sussex is visible within her work. She is drawn to what is left behind through the consequence of human presence.

In this ‘humanised countryside’ her work captures through the various patterns and repetitions of tracks and paths, the kind that cut through a field or hill. She is drawn to the detritus abandoned by human enterprise; the disused paths, broken fences, desire lines that have slowly formed over time, maybe over hundreds of years either by animal grazing or the movement of people through the landscape.

The constant flux of weather, movement of people in different shapes and guises over several thousand years have shaped and formed these landscapes, it is this that holds her attention and the constant fascination.
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