La ruelle

Paintings81.0 x 65.0 cm?
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More Works by Ivan Sollogoub
Ivan Sollogoub
Ivan Sollogoub was born in 1974 in Paris to a family of Russian emigrants. He learned the basics of the trade with Sergei Toutounov, a painter trained in the Russian naturalist tradition at the Moscow Sourikov Institute. After a few years in his workshop, he settled in his own workshop in Paris, first in the 18th arrondissement, then, and so far, in the 10th.
During a long trip to Morocco, it was marked by the astonishing vivacity of contrasts, of light as in color, and has gradually tried to transmit this feeling. Ivan Sollogoub likes to paint the city, his night especially. He finds there, in his lit windows and his varied lighting, these strong contrasts which range from absolute black to the most radiant whiteness. Contrasts he also finds during his regular travel in the countryside, in the Morvan or in Agen, in forests and woods.
Ivan Sollogoub rarely represents man in his subjects, but his absence is only a lure, there is his brand always somewhere. He also likes to play on blurs, making the world a little more abstract, pushing to recreate the image by oneself. He looks at the painting of others a lot, feeds on it and she infused her work.
His tastes are diverse, he likes Rembrandt as much (for his contrasts) as Bonnard (for his use of color and his windows), Nicolas de Staël (his compositions, his audacity ...) that Hopper (the silence of his paintings) , the blacks of Soulages, the bodies of Bacon or Freud, the brightness of Van Gogh, the finesse of Monet or the colors of Kandinsky ...
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