Mere et fille

Paintings50.0 x 70.0 cm?
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More Works by Alexandra Efimova
Alexandra Efimova
Alexandra Efimova was born in 1989 in Bryansk, Russia. In 2013, she graduated from the College of Arts in the speciality of artist-engraver, educator. The same year, she moved to Saint - Petersburg where she continued her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts I. Repin Academy of Fine Arts. As a student of the Academy, Alexandra began actively attending European Art Residencies where she became familiar with modern art. In 2015, she received a scholarship to study in London and completed a mural painting restoration course. In 2020, the artist's first large-scale solo exhibition took place at the Erartа Museum. Alexandra has extensive experience in theatre and restoring the cultural heritage of Russia and Europe. The artist also teaches contemporary art to students. She currently lives and works in France.
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