Flooded Wood Spring Pool

Paintings63.0 x 155.0 cm?
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More Works by Lindsey Hambleton
Lindsey Hambleton
Born in 1978 in Derbyshire, Lindsey Hambleton has been deeply connected to the natural world since childhood, a connection that profoundly shapes her artistic vision. Educated at Manchester Metropolitan University and the University of Manchester, where she studied art and environmental science, Hambleton realised during her studies that her true passion lay in full-time creative work. However, her love for the environment and the scientific details of zoology and ecology continue to inform and inspire her paintings.

Hambleton’s work, primarily on wood panels, often involves large-scale compositions inspired by well-known landscapes. Her process begins with sketches from specific locations, which are then developed in her studio into more abstract compositions. Colours are carefully chosen to reflect the season, location, and mood, and are often heightened to enhance emotional impact and structure. Central to her work is the balance between colour and form, with particular emphasis on the emotional resonance of the landscape.

She enjoys the effect of large blocks of colour, which she subtly grades using broad brushstrokes. Increasingly, she incorporates pale, open spaces into her compositions and simplifies water to its essential reflections. Tree forms are a constant in her work, providing a sense of structure and security—both in life and in her art.
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