Galopolis nr 4

Paintings80.0 x 60.0 cm?
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More Works by Pablo Sinaí
Pablo Sinaí
Pablo Sinai was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1980.

After graduating from school, Pablo attended workshops, most of them conducted by famous and renowned local artists, later getting his degree in Fine Art at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes Manuel Belgrano.

Since graduating, Sinai has exhibited extensively, including at Gachi Prieto Gallery, and has conducted workshops with Leila Tschopp, Tulio de Sagastizábal, and Ernesto Ballesteros.

The insider Rise Art says:

I have always admired geometric artwork and Pablo's paintings could be qualified as such. I greatly enjoy the shapes, lines and colours he chooses and those improbable spaces he creates. Do they exist? Are they present only in Pablo's mind? Any answer that we can obtain by contemplating his works is valid and does not stop us from wondering how he could have achieved them, both in his mind and soul and then on the canvas.

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