Nadia Attura's artwork California Green captures a pink sky drenched in summer haze, a theme continued in many of Nadia’s other artworks. In Pine Lake, yellow fog partly obscures a scenic vision of trees reflected in the lake, whilst in Skaftafell, the viewer is introduced to the Vatnajökull National Park in the south-east of Iceland through a layer of mist.
Alison Johnson's impressionistic prints and urban landscapes, such as To the City also focus on layers of mist. Her dynamic brush marks create a layered impression of the city until abstracted skyscrapers disappear into atmospheric cloud.
Impressionistic prints are printed reproductions of artworks carried out in the style of the 19th-century impressionist art movement that encouraged spontaneous painting outdoors rather than in the studio, from sketches. The artists who pioneered the movement produced “impressions” of the everyday landscapes that surrounded them, straying from the grander subjects of battlefields or classical narratives that 19th-century followers of the art world were used to.