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Emerging Artist
Born in 1966, Tehos, an abstract plastic artist and painter explored techniques and materials for several years before extending his work to the digital arts, video and sculpture. He quickly became known on the art market. In 2007, he began a series of paintings based on torn papers, collages. He explores different themes with factual articles he uses and transcribes on his paintings. In 2009, he began to experiment Second Life and 3D software. He installs a laboratory where he creates digital works of art.
Tehos exhibits around the world with many renowned artists, and won the AIAP UNESCO exhibition jury in December 2011 in Monaco for his work "The kinetic trees". In 2014, some of his works covered an international economic newspaper published worldwide (2.5 million copies). He also made the cover of a book for a famous writer winner of the SAPIR Prize (Country of the Middle East).
His paintings are sold in the main European countries, Hong Kong, the United States and Canada.