Having started out in film photography, Isabelle Chambon now works in digital photography. Self-taught, she became interested in digital tools and specialised. She anchors and expresses herself in a digital file, which allows her to conceive and show something other than reality. It's a question of exploration, of what the photographed subject initially conceals. Deconstructing and reconstructing the image, researching and blending colours and materials, all aim to open up a view within a view. Instantaneity fades and gives way to a representation of life that takes its source in a timeless unconsciousness, allowing her to visit, more deeply, that which cannot be seen at a glance. For her, this translates into digital work. The graphic palette is the tool that enables her to lay down, on the white space of the screen, what the imagination unlocks from reality. The digital brush has enabled her to engage in a pictorial dance that animates her emotions in a world made up of everyday scenes that are tenuously linked to the eye, inhabited or not by a presence.