Soho Home x Rise ArtRecreate the feel of Soho Home studios with our curated collections
Jean-Olivier Chafraix
Jean-Olivier Chafraix was born in 1977 in Cargèse, in South Corsica. Gifted for drawing, he naturally started the expression of his art with painting. Passionate about new technologies, he then turned to digital art. Today, an accomplished artist, he combines digital and painting. The two universes are, in its sense, complementary. On the one hand, he produced works with acrylic paint and aerosols on canvas and, on the other hand, compositions from several vectorized photos and reworked on a computer. The prints are unique copies, printed on brushed aluminum and covered with epoxy resin. His art comes from popular culture. In his works mingle characters from comics, rockstars or cinema icons. The urban landscape inspires him and he uses shots taken during his trips.