Pierre Wuillaume

Born: 1960 in Troyes, France
Lives and Works: TROYES, France

Pierre Wuillaume is a figurative painter who illustrates in his canvases scenes from daily life in vibrant colors. One of his works will perhaps put a memory to the surface to which you are attached to!
Offer power to daily moments
In his paintings, Pierre Wuillaume represents scenes from daily life, urban landscapes, gender scenes but also portraits. His works can evoke the works of Edward Hopper.
The artist suggests the instantaneity of a subject, like a photo taken on the spot. This instantaneity effect is reinforced by quasi-photographic compositions.
The illustration of the fleeting of a past moment
In his achievements, the artist uses a vibrant touch and flat colors that give life to these scenes. Observed closely, his works may seem vague or even abstract, but the more we move away, the more the forms and silhouettes are taking shape. Let us be able to represent in a faithful way, the artist illustrates the fleeting of a past .
The word of Florian Corbier
"[...] Pierre Wuillaume's painting is not of striking realism but an interpretation of reality. This instinct painter then paints an atmosphere more than a decor. His gaze thus grasps an energy, a feeling in the moment and he interprets it by color and by his particular touch. Pierre Wuillaume succeeds in an aesthetic transposition of reality and made of contemporary impressionism. »- Florian Corbier.

Selected solo exhibitions

  • 2023
    Entre perception et couleur., Galerie Dans la cour des Artistes. Antony.
  • 2023
    L'instant d' un enchantement., Centre culturel Didier Bienaimé Troyes
  • 2022
    Les Artistes ouvrent leur porte AOP, Toyes.
  • 2019
    Sans titre, Musée de la Faience. Ancy le Franc.
  • 2018
    Balade en ville, Pavillon des Arts et du Patrimoine; Chatenay-Malabry
  • 2018
    Wuillaume Peint le sport, Galerie Atelier Piéce unique.
  • 2018
    La ville est belle., Galerie Atelier Piéce Unique. 78.
  • 2017
    Sans titre, Restaurant la table de Saint-Just. Vaux le pénil
  • 2017
    Sans titre, Galerie d' art La Chamade. Morzine
  • 2016
    Sans titre, Galerie Hautaise Hauteville sur Mer.50
  • 2016
    Sans titre, CAC Port Bail. 50
  • 2016
    Sans titre, Maison du 16eme. Bar sur Seine.
  • 2016
    Terres et Huiles, Musée de l ' ancienne Malterie. La Chapelle St Luc.
  • 2015
    Sans titre, Hotel de ville de Saint Germain en Laye.
  • 2014
    Exposition, Centre culturel La Maison du boulanger. Salle raymond Moretti. Troyes.
  • 2009
    Sans titre, Centre Les Arcades. Troyes.

Selected group exhibitions

  • 2020
    Coeur des métiers d' art, Troyes
  • 2019
    Sans titre, Espace culturel Goncourt. Bar sur Seine.
  • 2018
    Art&Jardin, Saron sur Aube.
  • 2018
    Sans titre, Galerie Nos Racines. Troyes
  • 2016
    Art&Jardin, Saron sur Aube.
  • 2015
    Sans titre, Atelier du 2 Essoyes.
  • 2015
    Salle de Yishu, Salle de Yishu Beinjing. Chine
  • 2015
    Salle de Yishu, Shenzhen International Art Industry Fa ir
  • 2015
    Tao art gallery, Tao Art Gallery .Shangai Chine
  • 1975
    Salon d' automne, Salon d' automne Grand palais. Paris


  • achat d'une oeuvres mairie de Chatenay malabri, Chatenay Malabry, France
  • Mairie de Barberey., Barberey saint Sulpice., France
Regional Settings
United States
Metric (cm, kg)