Frédérique Bodinier

Born: 1959 in Paris, France
Lives and Works: MARLY LE ROI, France

Keeping track of the passage,
Showing its strengths, weaknesses, pain and violence.
Claim error as a source of research,
the unfinished and open the door to uncertainty.
Revealing the confused to better perceive the light of life.
Seizing the moment, choosing nothing but its beauty.
Each period of research is reflected in drawings, paintings and performances....
A canvas is a reflection, a positioning, a gesture, a writing.
It's an emotion that I try to convey.
Through my paintings I seek to celebrate life
using the symbols traditionally used in art history:
the symbolism of colours, that of materials with the earth and its elements.
The working process, through the vitality of the gesture, is part of this celebration.

Regional Settings
United States
Metric (cm, kg)