Toulouse Lautrec

  • About
Blue Chip Artist

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901), painter, designer and lithographer, was born in a noble family in the south of France. A small man, a follower of Absinthe, he was a talented artist: a great Japanese art lover, he is now considered a precursor of expressionism. Toulouse-Lautrec was also known as someone having Lots of humor and self -mockery. He lived almost all his life in Montmartre, in the north of Paris, and spent a lot of time in cabarets and theaters. Naturally, this extraordinary world thus became the subject of its paintings.

Toulouse Lautrec Artworks

Gallery View

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    showing 1-5 of 5
    Reine de Joie by Toulouse Lautrec
    View in a room interior
    Reine de Joie by Toulouse Lautrec
    Reine de Joie
    Prints - 32x24 cm
    May Milton by Toulouse Lautrec
    View in a room interior
    May Milton by Toulouse Lautrec
    May Milton
    Prints - 32x24 cm
    Portrait of Lender by Toulouse Lautrec
    View in a room interior
    Portrait of Lender by Toulouse Lautrec
    Portrait of Lender
    Prints - 58x41 cm
    La Troupe de Mlle Eglantine by Toulouse Lautrec
    View in a room interior
    La Troupe de Mlle Eglantine by Toulouse Lautrec
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