Sarah Thomas’s style subtly enchants the viewer.
Sarah's attention to detail creates a feast for the senses.
Sarah wants the viewer to feel disorientated, thrilled and elated by her use of colour and materials.
Visual and physical repetition, decoration and a need to reinvent are common themes that exist throughout Sarah’s work. The act of covering over for her is a form of decoration, changing either the object that is being wrapped or the page that is being drawn on, reinventing its surface and mass.
She is interested in the limitations of the page, exploring this theme through the act of selecting and deselecting collage images and materials, giving equal importance to both positive and negative space within the composition.
She has many influences, some become obsessions that reoccur in her work. A predominant theme is the vast study of socio-cultural anthropology. One in particular is the creation of objects made to transform its wearer, for example objects like elaborate headdresses and costumes that inflate the status of the wearer bridging between the real and spiritual worlds. Her practice includes several disciplines. She has exhibited nationally and internationally.