DK Macleod

Born: 1984 in Stornoway , United Kingdom
Lives and Works: Stornoway , United Kingdom

DK Macleod is a visual artist currently based in a remote village in the Outer Hebrides. This idyllic location has always been a huge source of inspiration for the artist. With distinctive brush strokes and an emphasis on landscapes, DK has produced a truly distinctive and vivid body of work in recent years. His work has a particular focus on colour, as he's keen to explore the way it interacts on the canvas.

In 2008 DK completed his BA degree in Fine Art and has since exhibited extensively within the UK.


  • 2017
    1 year BA degree, UHI North Uist college , Stornoway , United Kingdom

Selected group exhibitions

  • 2017
    Affordable Art Fair, Bristol
Regional Settings
United States
Metric (cm, kg)