American Artists

Discover contemporary American artists. Our ever-evolving gallery showcases thousands of paintings, prints and sculptures by some of the world’s most celebrated emerging and established American artists. With works that range from abstract to art deco and from Surrealist to street art our collection of American art has been curated by us.

Reisha Perlmutter. Known for her figurative paintings of female bodies submerged in water, Reisha uses her art to capture moments of both freedom and intimacy. The New York based artist often produces self-portraits, instilling a real sense of empowerment to her large scale oil paintings.

If it’s a photograph you’re after, why not look at the work of Geoffrey Ansel Agrons. Working in black and white, Geoffrey captures melancholic images of nature and focuses on human’s existence in the natural world. His haunting sense of depth, paired with his attention to shape makes for work that ponders on the theme of loneliness and silence. Geoffrey’s photographs work on their own and as a series, with their dramatic intrigue and refined beauty making for a captivating collection of art.

Born and raised New Yorker Willie Nash has mastered both photography and sculpture in his art. Willie dissects the notion of ‘knowledge’ and with his humorous approach, he probes at man’s relationship it. Verging on the surreal, Willie’s art provides a viewing experience that is entirely unique and unforgettable.

History of American Artists

Today, America is often hailed as the centre of the modern art world. Producing some of the most influential names in the recent history of art, the US has been at the forefront to some of the biggest artistic developments in the past century. However, American art is not just what we see it as today, it is not confined to the modern movements of Abstract Expressionism, Minimalism and Pop Art. The history of art in America spans back to prehistoric times, to before the colonisation of America, when art and craft formed a central ritual to the lives of Native Americans. Of course, with the growth of the US throughout the 19th century, European ideas and ideals were introduced, and before long American artists surpassed the Europeans, and became the front runners in the evolution of modern art. From Warhol to Rothko and Pollock to Koons, some of the most recognisable artistic styles of today belong to American artists.

Many art movements originated in America; Luminism in the 1850s, Synchronism in the early 1900s, Abstract Expressionism in the 1940s, and Pop Art in the 1950s, to name a few. These rich and multifaceted artistic traditions continue to prosper today. Manipulating new media and engaging with contemporary topics, discover the modern American artists envisioning innovative styles and unusual approaches to art.

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    Featured Artists
    showing 91-93 of 93

    Tom R. Chambers

    United States
    B. 1947

    Anastasia Fugger

    B. 1986

    Riccardo Cavallari
