Weitere Werke von Fatima Mian
Come Sail Away II
Fotografie - 100x150 cm
Bring it on Home - Limited Edition Print
Fotografie - 150x93 cm
Ribbons of Euphoria
Gemälde - 70x50 cm
The One by Night - Limited Edition Print
Fotografie - 70x35 cm
That Place with the Blue Door
Fotografie - 150x100 cm
Shadows and Saguaro III
Fotografie - 61x91 cm
Gemälde - 60x90 cm
Auto Shop
Fotografie - 61x91 cm
The One with the Twins - Limited Edition Print
Fotografie - 70x50 cm
The Corner Salon
Fotografie - 60x90 cm
The Edgy One
Fotografie - 50x50 cm
Come Sail Away I
Fotografie - 100x150 cm
Wazir Khan Steps II - Limited Edition Print
Fotografie - 91x61 cm
Be Home by Dinner II
Fotografie - 150x100 cm
Doors Open, Come on In
Fotografie - 150x100 cm