More Works by Geoffrey Ansel Agrons
Photography - 85x127 cm
The Age of Reinvention II
Photography - 152x102 cm
Maneuvers (Piazza del Popolo, Rome)
Photography - 76x62 cm
Photography - 127x85 cm
Enthralled by Ghosts (The Encampment)
Photography - 152x102 cm
All This Useless Beauty III (Paris, France)
Photography - 76x61 cm
The Leftovers
Photography - 152x152 cm
Conclave II
Photography - 102x152 cm
Carrion and Mercy (The Thermal)
Photography - 127x102 cm
I Wouldn't Worry About Me
Photography - 52x39 cm
Obelisco Agonale
Photography - 76x61 cm
Phalanges (Hurricane Sandy Pentimento)
Photography - 28x40 cm
She Sleeps, She Dreams
Photography - 91x91 cm
Forme Fruste
Photography - 114x152 cm
Goon Squad II
Photography - 90x127 cm