Deja Vu

Paintings61.0 x 61.0 cm?
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More Works by Lee Panizza
Lee Panizza
Lee Panizza is a painter concerned with abstraction from nature and the nature of abstraction. Born and educated in South Australia, Lee creates semi-representational paintings that reflect her interest in light and how movement manifests in nature. She captures the subtle to seismic shifts in our environment, from the interaction of colours on leaves and plant life, the sky bursting through negative space, to the gentle sway of branches.

Lee has a degree in Fine Art Painting from the South Australian School of Art, Adelaide, South Australia. For nearly 30 years, she painted and farmed in rural Portugal, surrounded by cork, olive, pine and eucalyptus groves. Much of her work, particularly the series Flickers, is a legacy of this experience and passion for the natural world.

Through the medium of oil paint, Lee explores the philosophical questions of knowledge, certainty, definition and memory. Harnessing the inherent structures found in nature and a clever interplay of light and shadow, she constructs a beautiful aesthetic of disintegration and reinvention. Rhythmic patterns emerge from fragmented sheets of colour that glide over each other, while a sense of time surfaces through shifting layers of paint and geometric impositions.
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