More Works by Sarah Goldbart
Papillons Parmi Les Fleurs Perdues (Butterflies Amongst The Lost Flowers)
Paintings - 51x51 cm
Avaler I (SwallowI)
Paintings - 40x40 cm
Automne à Hiver (Autumn to Winter)
Paintings - 30x30 cm
Les Oiseaux Perdus (The Lost Birds)
Paintings - 91x91 cm
Nature Study V
Drawings - 26x36 cm
Cri de Loup (Wolf Cry)
Paintings - 20x20 cm
Labidomera clivicollis
Paintings - 10x10 cm
Spinus psaltria (Lesser Goldfinch)
Paintings - 18x13 cm
Nature Study III
Drawings - 31x23 cm
Amissa Rana
Paintings - 30x30 cm
Tutela (Protection)
Paintings - 30x30 cm
Papillon II
Paintings - 20x20 cm
Apis mellifera on a Peony
Drawings - 31x41 cm
Podarcis siculus on a Peony
Drawings - 31x41 cm
Grenouille et Serpent
Paintings - 40x40 cm