More Works by Lilia Orlova-Holmes
Apple trees
Paintings - 120x90 cm
A small lemon tree in a blue pot
Paintings - 50x40 cm
November. Last roses
Paintings - 130x90 cm
Water lilies. Reflections by the pond.
Paintings - 120x80 cm
Lily pond
Paintings - 120x100 cm
Reflections. Weeping willow
Paintings - 120x100 cm
The old pond. Tetraptych
Paintings - 200x152 cm
Nymphaea Yellow Princess
Paintings - 120x150 cm
Paintings - 120x150 cm
A rose garden in October
Paintings - 120x150 cm
Autumn walk
Paintings - 92x122 cm
The way to the mountains
Paintings - 100x150 cm
By the pond. Floating reflections
Paintings - 150x100 cm
Winter tree [waiting for spring]
Paintings - 150x100 cm
Paintings - 140x100 cm