Dream Believer

Paintings80.0 x 80.0 cm?
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More Works by Kate Mayer
Kate Mayer
Kate Mayer is a successful artist based in East London. With over 25 years in the creative industries, her work has been showcased in major retailers such as Selfridges, Galleries Lafayette and House of Fraser, and featured in various interior magazines and Sunday supplements. Since launching her art career in 2020 her work has gained much recognition and sells to collectors worldwide.

A self-taught artist, Mayer's practice is rooted in the belief that positive change can be manifested through thoughts and intentions. She believes that our surroundings profoundly impact our subconscious thoughts, and intentional choices in our environment can transform perceptions, leading to a more fulfilling life.

Mayer works primarily with acrylics and spray paints, skilfully playing with light and incorporating textural elements like diamond dust and gesso to create pieces that transform with the shifting sun. Influenced by East London's vibrant environment, she embraces street art-inspired colour palettes, infusing neon highlights over softer sprayed base layers, and finishing with sweeping acrylic

Emotionally sensitive and attuned to aural stimulation, Mayer draws significant inspiration from music and conversation, where sounds and words evoke emotions that energise her work. Through her art, Mayer aspires to inspire mindfulness of the influence our surroundings hold and encourages embracing personal growth and positive transformation.
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