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Paintings65.0 x 92.0 cm?
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More Works by Isabelle Pelletane
Isabelle Pelletane
Isabelle focuses her work on what drives us, the "boiling of life", and offers a rather optimistic and colorful vision, an ode to life.

In an intuitive approach, she fully invests herself in the creation process and works with materials, using spontaneous and dynamic gestures. Colors burst onto the canvas, revealing traces, stains, drips, in luminous colors, thus creating new intense materials of life.
A work in constant evolution, where everything is a question of balance and harmony.

Isabelle Pelletane was born in the Paris region. She lives and works in Poitiers (France). She has held numerous exhibitions in France and internationally. Her works are part of private collections in France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, the Arab States, the United States,...
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