Vue du ciel

Paintings81.0 x 65.0 cm?
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More Works by Magali Marmet
Magali Marmet
Magali Marmet lives and works in Lille (France). Since childhood, she has been passionate about drawing, graphics and art in general. As early as 2014, the Boltra Saint Georges gallery welcomed its first work on the occasion of the Watou Arts Festival (Belgium), alongside the surrealist painter Werner Edebau.
A series of collections of painting around humans and these states of being, more urban creations with the Block series and dream universes. His work combines the paradox between graphics and spontaneity, from the figurative semi-abstract to the production of free works, where the juxtaposition of various mediums (inks, resins, acrylics, cardboard ...) gives body to the global result. There are many sources of inspiration: Fauvism and the paintings of André Derain, Matisse, the way of painting Kees Van Dongen, the so eclectic approach of Picasso, the poetry of Klimt works, Egon's drawings Shield, the graphics of a cocteau, the feature of Bernard Buffet, the astonishing labor force of Cy Twombly, the messages of the contemporary Guy Denning, via the essential Jean-Michel Basquiat.
The meaning of words/ailments and their resonances such as the harmonization of colors and shapes constitute the common thread of its work. Nourished by an insatiable curiosity, his creative momentum is constantly re -examined, giving birth to many proteiform collections.
Approach: Magali Marmet's creations are expressed in painting and sculpture in an eclectic and serial manner. Its artistic expression has been backed by human and its place in society, its emotions, its states of being for many years. Regardless or not, several themes are expressed in its creations: the city and its constructions, bodies, portraits and the palette of feelings. Several mediums such as acrylic, inks, pastels, metal, resins is the basis of its productions. The process must be conclusive in their amalgamation. She likes to work in harmony the vibrant colors, the addition of textures and impastors and sometimes contrasts. She works first by being guided by her intuitions. Subsequently, she insists by working in a more rational, methodical and analytical way.
Thus, it attaches importance to the interrelation between his work and the spectator to produce an impact with his meaning. For some time, she lets herself be lulled by sculpture, where it is possible to explore its 2D creations in volume.
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