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More Works by Cécile Valle
Cécile Valle
After having followed studies in advertising then in graphic arts and western calligraphy (scriptorium of Toulouse-workshop by Bernard Arin and workshop of Kitty Sabatier) Cécile Valle created a graphic creation studio in Toulouse then in Issy-les-Moulineaux and realizes projects For communication agencies and large companies while continuing its pictorial research. At the same time, it gives lessons to adults and children in media libraries, schools or cultural centers (Ariège, Tarn, Haute-Garonne, Haut-de-Seine, Paris). In 2004, Cécile decided to devote herself exclusively to painting becoming aware of her need to paint. She lived 12 years in the Paris region and since 2013, has settled again in the South West. She exhibits in galleries and various places dedicated to exhibitions in France and abroad.
"Give meaning to the eye and give it the choice of interpretation. At the bend of the symbols, let the spirits define. Let the gesture free and spontaneous in a compound and reassuring chronology. Take a step back to look more closely." Cécile Valle "Giving Sense to A Glance and Let It The Interpretation. Through Symbols, Let Minds Define. Let gestures be free and spontaneous in a composed and reassuring chronology. Take a step backwards to look closer." Cecile Valle
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