La girafe

Paintings89.0 x 116.0 cm?
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More Works by Victoria Stagni
Victoria Stagni
Born in Buenos Aires to a Paraguayan father and an Argentinian mother, Victoria Stagni's figurative painting oscillates between realism and dreaminess. His imagination is nourished by the works of great Latin American writers such as Gabriel Garcia Marquez or Alejo Carpentier, where nature often plays a dominant role.

This “magical realism” inspires his figurative, colorful and luminous canvases where characters are represented within a fantasized nature, surrounded by a whole friendly or threatening bestiary.

The painter often places the human silhouette that she masters best, her image, in order to play with our perceptions and develop a lush pictorial language.

Animality sits like the centerpiece of a cabinet of curiosities where the ancestral feelings of the psyche are expressed: fear, anger, laughter...
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