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More Works by Sophie Barthélémy
Sophie Barthélémy
Sophie BARTHELEMY was born in Paris in 1969. Graduated from Beaux-Arts in 1993, she began exhibiting in the contemporary art world in the 90s. Director of video art works, thanks to a film devoted to deforestation in the Amazon that his peers praised his work (Jury Prize for the work La Forêt des Vivants at the Hérouville Saint-Clair Video-Art Plastic Festival in 1993).

The massacre of Yanomami Indians in Brazil relayed by the media coincides with the media coverage of his work, a synchronicity which makes him take another direction because being an artist suddenly seems irrelevant to him. She then withdrew from the artistic environment, for a life of simplicity and decline in line with her awareness. Located near a forest, it devotes itself to permaculture and welcomes adults with disabilities. But after a few years, she was drawn back to her need to create.

After ten years of withdrawal from all exhibitions, she took up the torch to pursue a humanist pictorial work, driven by the same need to “counteract the cynicism of the world”.

Accustomed to color, which she works extensively in successive layers, scratchings and other pentiments, she currently devotes herself to work that is essentially intuitive, not premeditated. In his creative process, it is about play and letting go, wonder and forgetting oneself. Humans, Nature, Animals and the Invisible are his favorite subjects.

Sophie Barthélémy exhibits little. However, his career includes some artistic collaborations, notably with the Galerie du Parvi (Paris), the Galerie Eugène (Laval), and the Galerie Carré d’Artiste in Marseille.
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