A. 10/ Purple lovers

Paintings81.0 x 65.0 cm?
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More Works by Arnaud Lorieau
Arnaud Lorieau
Arnaud Lorieau's work develops over time in the form of serial ensembles. These are a source of new questions and new challenges, enabling me to develop my practice.
Today, he uses the IPad as a working tool before painting and as a research notebook before the studio. With it, he has access to what he is looking for: the purity of form and space.
The digital visuals selected to 'make work' are projected onto a wall in the studio using a video projector, to define the format of each future work. Finally, the image is projected onto the canvas to 'fix' the composition.
"But I'm a painter. Which means that the gesture linked to the posture and the pictorial material take over from the flatness of the image to reinterpret it."
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